I could hear it very faintly at first. Then louder and then to a rising crescendo I felt myself go with the flow slowly. Unhesitatingly and willingly. Initially, I truly believed that I had gone beyond the point of no return. What mattered was to ensure that all was well for those who were closest […]
A beautiful illusion appeared with eyes like the deep sea, a nose carved to perfection, lips of a velvety texture – so close to sight that I could feel each inhalation and exhalation of breath. Just as suddenly, this vision disappeared. It seemed like the very air had dissolved very little particle of this being […]
As I looked beyond the horizon, I saw the richness of the land, the green grass, the beauty that could only benefit humanity by its fullness. I was amazed at the bounty given to us by the universe, the expansive beauty of nature. This land had ample natural resources, untortured or captured by human greed. […]
I lay in my bed, fast asleep in the darkness, tossing and turning at various intervals, dreaming and feeling the experiences as though I was physically participating in all that went on inside my mind. As the morning approached, the birds were singing and the sun was rising. Here was another day. I opened my […]
Tell me a story. Weave it around as your flame heightens and glows like the paradox of myths. Your wick remains sturdy and strong holding this light like a mother holds her babe with care and awareness. The love that flows between the two is forever entwined, until the wax melts away. So it is […]
There is the physical body, the mind, the soul, the aura and the higher self. How many of us know about these various aspects of the individual elements that make up the whole structure of a person? Assumptions are the easy course in life. One is born, taught a way of life by the people […]
There had to be an easier way to make a decision. Standing in the middle of the road he saw four different paths: one to his right, one to his left, one ahead and the road he had left behind him. Choice was definitely the question here as there were three directions to choose from. […]
My mother asked me “Are you rich?” I laughed with surprise at the question. “But of course,” I said, ” I am so rich in my heart, in my affection, in my love and in my life that no amount of money could match my wealth.” She asked again, “But are you rich?” and I […]
There it stood, right in the middle of this huge ground – the most amazing, incredible staircase. It looked like it had been there forever and ever. One could see that the workmanship contained immense strength. The design could only have been created by a genius. The staircase stood sturdy and strong in every curve, […]
Journeying through the night from opposite directions, the two ships met on calm seas at the stroke of midnight. One had a majestic frame, sturdy and strong, to support it through the trials of the impetuous winds and the turmoil’s of the ever-changing seas. The other was a simple construction for the movement with minimal […]