Life’s trajectory…. 

Dear Fellow Life Traveller, Life’s trajectory is quite simple to understand yes profoundly complex to navigate. Looking at life from a the helicopter view it may feel strange however it gives perspective.  0-30 years – we collect experiences, beliefs, impositions and more (get married/have kids or not within this period)30- 60 years – Examining and […]

Freedom and its partner…. 

Dear Fellow Life Traveller, Are we ever free? What does freedom mean? We have so many versions of freedom however we also have so many limitations on whether we can be free from society. Free from culture, traditions, racial biases, people’s expectations and opinions, religious and social parameters and and and…. Having lived 6 decades […]

Mistakes ….a gift to…. 

Dear Fellow Life Traveller,  Mistakes have gotten such a bad name… it seems that as humans we are not allowed to make mistakes! What utter nonsense! Our life trajectories, histories, and HUMAN element are rooted in mistakes.  Every mistake is a learning lesson! In what one would ask? In so many shades….either a learning curve, an […]