The new world, new leadership, new ways to lead with EQ!

Tazim Elkington’s methodologies offer a well-defined understanding of EQ in regards to the workplace, relationships, life in general. What is EQ? Why is it necessary? What does one need to understand about EQ to manage life in general? Why is EQ necessary in the 21st Century? How does EQ change the environment? What does it […]

Getting help is considered ‘weak’ and therapy is ‘taboo’?

Our ‘being’ ‘soul’ ‘spirit’ knows what is off with our lives as it has traveled with us endlessly. The setback is that one does not ‘listen’ nor does one resolve issues as that is not part of our ‘history’ Getting help is considered ‘weak’ and therapy is ‘taboo’ Let’s really gt ‘real’ and change this […]

Make only 1 resolution for 2022 and see how your life changes….

People call with so many symptoms – I feel tired, irritated, have put on weight, can’t sleep, my relationships are falling apart, my patience has run out, can’t put my finger on it, I want to control everything, my parents did this to me, my wife/husband is a pain, my kids don’t respect me, my […]

Awaken your inner LIGHT in 2022!

Avoidance and denial – when we avoid and deny what is happening within and around us, all we are doing is prolonging the pain and allowing for the situation to keep festering. Firstly, it takes great courage to acknowledge that something’s out of whack, secondly to address it, and lastly to make choices and decisions […]

Disruption helps us get out of our comfort zones!

It’s so much easier to keep ticking away day after day, doing the same things, feeling or possibly denying one’s true feelings, staying in the same situations and relationships regardless, feeling a deep well of sadness or worried about what might happen next. Ignoring that intuitive voice inside that keeps surfacing to remind you ‘something […]

Individual Revolutions Change the Planet!!!

Individual Revolutions! Today you are in charge of creating your own revolution! Your existence, your presence, and your being on this planet show you how important you are to the whole. Start using your Will, courage, and strength to experience and share your own being-ness. No matter how simple or how radically you feel; own […]

The most effective and effortless practice – Transcendental Meditation!

I started practicing Transcendental meditation over 30 years ago. The quality of this deep and profound practice literally changed the course of my life. A simple and effortless way of sitting for 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening and BOOM! The layers and layers of inbuilt stress and noise started […]

30 Top Life Coaches to look out for in 2022!

Perception – the double-edged sword! Our perception in some areas of life can be warped due to past unresolved issues. There are also various twists to perception. To progress and heal the past requires changing our perception and healing our wounds. On the flip side, perception of something that was great can be destroyed based […]

Procrastination and avoidance of making decisions!

Procrastination and avoidance of making decisions depict irresponsibility to oneself and fear of consequences! The longer one sits on the fence, the more dire the consequences and outcomes. The simple way of getting out of this bad habit is to give yourself a clear time frame to make a decision by and look at the […]