Masculinization of the ‘Feminine Principal’

Masculinization of the ‘Feminine Principal’ has robbed both women and men of the nurturing and nourishing aspect of life. This has impacted the world at large. Each of us needs to question the need for comparison, competition, distorted views of success, lack of time for what really matters, causing disruptions in all areas of life. […]

Relationships – mirror who we are! 

Relationships of all kinds are a reflection of our lives. Without relationships, it would be challenging to ‘see’ ourselves as they are a mirror and reflection. Each relationship helps us question, examine and determine why this person is in our lives. Sometimes it’s to show us the areas that we need to change, other times […]

Letting go is a misperception! Where does it go?

Letting go is a misperception! We cannot ‘let go’ of anything unless we ‘heal’ what is at the root cause of our disarray. After healing there is acceptance and then we can move beyond the pain, hurt, or trauma. Just let it go….where does it go? This phrase could mislead and cause more inner conflict. […]

Reinvent Yourself! Free discussion on Feb 21st @2300 hours Kenya Time with Shawn Marshall!

Do you have a calling to do something different with your life? You aren’t alone if you do, the whole world is in a reinvention phase. Life is too short to “wonder” what it would be like to live your life’s purpose. What if you learned to trust your intuition, even if you don’t have […]

Mental constipation and indigestion leads to…….

The constant ‘need’ to know more, be more, and have more has one consumed by the external aspects of life. Technology has its fantastic benefits since we have information at our fingertips (no pun intended). However how much does one need to know about matters that are none of your concern or that you cannot […]

Distorted beliefs create deep biases that….. 

Belief systems are created through transference, impositions, tradition, culture, religion, education, social and economic conditioning, reading, and so on with the majority embedded by the age of 8 years. Then the second part of this is through our own personal experiences we create beliefs about the world we live in. Realities and beliefs are mostly […]