Rejection or… 

Dear Fellow Life Traveller, Rejection….is it really? I have realized that every time someone or something [...]

Life’s trajectory…. 

Dear Fellow Life Traveller, Life’s trajectory is quite simple to understand yes profoundly complex to [...]

The parts that are…. 

Dear Fellow Life Traveller, The parts of us that we reject are the parts that will [...]

We own all of…. 

Dear Fellow Life Traveller, We own our unique and individual treasure chests full of experiences of [...]

How drops of ….. 

Dear Fellow Life Traveller,  Being aware and conscious on a day-to-day basis is so important. With [...]

Freedom and its partner…. 

Dear Fellow Life Traveller, Are we ever free? What does freedom mean? We have so [...]

Mistakes ….a gift to…. 

Dear Fellow Life Traveller,  Mistakes have gotten such a bad name… it seems that as humans [...]

Can a tree become a seed 

Dear Fellow Life Traveller, Can a tree go backward in time and become a seed? [...]

The opposite of perfection is…. 

Dear Fellow Life Traveller, Why is Perfection such a destructive way to live? Because there [...]