Masculinization of the ‘Feminine Principal’ has robbed both women and men of the nurturing and nourishing aspect of life. This has impacted the world at large. Each of us needs to question the need for comparison, competition, distorted views of success, lack of time for what really matters, causing disruptions in all areas of life. Understanding the inherent yin/yang balance is essential as we redefine our inner and outer states of life. Instead, nourish, nurture, soften the hard shells that we have created to defend ourselves. Be gentle and caring with yourself as we navigate the new world we are creating. Its also necessary for both men and women to understand that the extreme tilt towards the patriarchal and masculine exists in both genders. This has been ongoing for centuries and generations and its time for the shift now! My effective methodologies require openness, engagement, and participation to heal. The process is transformational and liberating! No Better time than NOW to do the inner work! Disrupt your life and find your peace and joy!

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