What the West calls ‘Trauma’ the East calls ‘Karma’
Depending on one’s belief system, one’s perception is affected by their worldview. When one considers that each situation that occurs has residue from past lives and a karmic consequence, we can ‘see’ it differently. This helps a person NOT to get STUCK in their story and find ways to heal the past. When we ‘see’ it as ‘Trauma’ it can feel daunting and challenging to heal. Language, perception, and understanding of the deeper aspects of life liberate a person and allows for shifts and healing. Take responsibility for your life without blame, guilt, and self-doubt, and heal!!!
To heal, one must invest in one’s own life process by deciding that there is more to life than this. The process is transformational and liberating! No Better time than NOW to do the inner work! Disrupt your life and find your peace and joy!