Dear Fellow Life Traveller,
Fears and Tears rhyme well…The fear we create in our minds ‘eye’ is based on our history, experiences, perception, conditioning, and limitations. These are not just a fragmentation of our imagination, they have been created through discord. 

The fact that the future is ‘unknown’ causes ‘fear’ and the mind tries to give us ridiculous past notions which cause more fear as we feel helpless. 

The way out of this never-ending maze is to NOT go to the past for solutions. This only recreates the past and multiplies it like a spinning top causing more imbalance. 

Really take time to look at your fear, allow the tears, discomfort, anger and whatever else shows up…This is the only way to overcome what is happening. Mostly its what we have bagged and buried like a dead body inside thats causing all this. PLEASE please do not make it about another and blame and project…this is all yours so own it and help yourself release it

The unconventional and effective methodologies I offer are geared to rebooting your life. The process is transformational and liberating! No Better time than NOW to do the inner work! Disrupt your life and find your peace and joy!

Thank you for reading.

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