Dear Fellow Life Traveller,

Fear comes with its siblings, worry, lack, never enough, distrust, lack of integrity and and….Well, we do have a choice…how small or big is the possibility of our choice I am not sure. Over the years I used to harp about how lucky we are and how many choices we do have. Now I am not sure as we go through this recalibration process… however we do have some…

So based on this, would you choose ‘Life and its siblings’ OR ‘Fear and its siblings’? The last few years have been very tough on most people including myself… I realize that all that I thought I knew is now falling away and so what do I know? anything anyone? 

Well based on the possibility of choice, choosing Life means opening up to a myriad of possibilities…giving up is not an option so moving along means we look for the little surprises, shifting our perception, realigning. We could choose to clean up our bag of blah blahs, lose some bad habits, get rid of some peeps, or add some peeps,  find some new cool habits and most of all ….know that as much as we think we are in control…are we really or not?

Here’s a great recent interview:

The effective methodologies I offer require openness,  engagement, and participation to heal. The process is transformational and liberating! There is no better time than NOW to do the inner work! Disrupt your life and find your peace and joy!

Thank you for reading. 

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