From fear to…. 

Dear Fellow Life Traveller,What does it take to go from fear, one of the most [...]

Self-parenting requires….

Since the majority of the world has not been parented the way we would like and [...]


Dear Fellow Life Traveller,Disconnection…a word that feels cold and afar. In different phases of life, [...]

Overcoming an old belief…. 

Dear Fellow Life Traveller,Overcoming a belef or a set of belief systems takes courage. However, [...]

The unseen gremlins that…. 

Dear Fellow Life Traveller, The unseen gremlins that run around causing chaos are very interesting [...]

Stages, phases and…. 

Dear Fellow Life Traveller,Life is full of changing stages and phases …we go from infant [...]

Friendships that are deep and meaningful provide….. 

Dear Fellow Life Traveller,True, deep, and meaningful friendships are gifts. I grew up without present [...]

An end for a beginning….

Dear Fellow Life Traveller,An end for a beginning… a rather strange way of looking at [...]

I am sorry…….and…. 

Dear Fellow Life Traveller,I am sorry… I love you…..6 most misunderstood words in our language! I have [...]

Orphaned Parents…. 

Dear Fellow Life Traveller,While having a conversation with a friend she mentioned, we were orphaned [...]