How we view Trauma versus…. 

What the West calls ‘Trauma’ the East calls ‘Karma’ Depending on one’s belief system, one’s [...]

Pieces of an intricate….

It is extraordinary to realize that we are all made up of ‘pieces of an [...]

Different stages of life require different…. 

I am amazed that people I know wish to be the same in their 20’s, [...]

The ‘eyes’ that create the many ……

The eyes that are the most receptive of our senses have an impact on the [...]

When we live by a checklist… 

When we live by a checklist, goals, objectives etc…we are constantly striving and wanting. What [...]

Dive deeper instead of living a …..

Dive deeper instead of living on the surface! Why is this important? At this time [...]

Honor is the foundation of …..

Honor is the foundation of authentic living. When we hold ourselves in honor of this [...]

Dignity, the pillar of…. 

Dignity is the pillar that holds up self-respect. We seem to be grappling with these [...]

Having tough ‘real’ conversations…

Most people avoid having tough ‘real’ conversations as they are scared of the outcome. Scared [...]