Dear Fellow Life Traveller,

Wait before you speak about weight! Just like perfection which does not exist neither does this notion of the right weight. There are far too many factors from location, body type, ancestry, ethnic food, genes, height, and racial/continetal definition to name a few aspects. 

Went for lunch with a friend and a very body/diet/exercise conscious friend who immediately said that some friends said he had put on ‘weight’ and my response was ‘seriously’?

So before you go shooting off about weight lets take into consideration that there is no measurement of a perfect body no matter what! We are dictated to by all the billboards, models, magazines, SM, advertizing and marketing! 

Lets really not look at a person based on their weight in body and instead look at their weight in value as person, human being, heart, qualities and characteristics and most of all common value systems which bring us together!

Lets get real people!

Thank you for reading. 

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