Dear Fellow Life Traveller, 

Totally unrealistic ‘EXPECTATIONS’! How many have been experiencing this in their lives? I have and I can assure you it leaves one feeling quite exhausted.  It is a crazy time on the planet and there is no single person not feeling it unless they are burying it. 

Close and every type of relationship is being challenged. Things happen that one did not even anticipate and it comes out from nowhere. Communication is zigzag, understanding or coming to a middle ground is like a mirage that evaporates. Expectations of others don’t make sense at all…and lastly, the blame that comes with these scenarios is heartbreaking and hurtful. 

Like I said, we are in turbulent times and this gunk that’s rising to the surface is not a joke. How do we handle this turbulence? Firstly, it is essential to examine whether there is some way of resolving and if its all based on the past… it’s not going to resolve. The only way to deal with any situation is to discuss it from the present stance. The only thing anyone can do with the past is to heal it!!! Which means finding a therapist and working through one’s baggage. Secondly, be clear that blame will not resolve anything. Lastly, know that due to Karmic situations, things could get very heavy and painful, and then one goes deeper into clearing in ways that are not conventional. 

We are living in very ephemeral times….nothing is permanent! 

The unconventional and effective methodologies I offer are geared to rebooting your life. The process is transformational and liberating! No Better time than NOW to do the inner work! Disrupt your life and find your peace and joy!

Thank you for reading.

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