Dear Fellow Life Traveller,

The unseen gremlins that run around causing chaos are very interesting creatures made up of voices, colors, shapes, and stories that would blow your life apart…no pun intended. 

The more one dives into figuring out one’s existence with questions like ‘Who am I?’ ‘Why do I exist?’ ‘What does my life mean?’  ‘Whats the point of life?’ and more….we start the process of an existential nature which awakens all the gremlins from generations. They are a mighty bunch to reckon with as many and more belong to our traditions, religion, race, ancestry, tribe and the various layers of the systems we grow up with. 

Its quite shocking and could be comical as well depending on what spectrum one is observing from. I have now reached the funny stage where it helps me laugh and remain unattached…taken me decades to arrive here. 

Where are you at? Take a drawing pad and outline these creatures as you set yourself free from goodness knows centuries of conditioning…and if possible have a laugh too while you are at it!

The unconditional and effective methodologies I offer are life shifting. The process is transformational and liberating! No Better time than NOW to do the inner work! Disrupt your life and find your peace and joy!

Thank you for reading.

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