The subconscious mind is 9 times stronger and 6000 times more powerful than the conscious mind. All our memories, experiences and emotions, perceptions of the past are stored there.
Our behaviour and attitude to life is then governed by the way the child in us got hurt, upset, lost and confused.
Hypnotherapy and Regression Therapy heal at the subconscious level. This then impacts the present state of life and changes the future state. It’s a magical process that takes one beyond space and time!
Once you go through this process your life will not be the same nor will you perceive it as you did before!

In this ever-changing world, we increasingly question and challenge self-imposed limitations. There are different ways to think, feel, live and be! So, if you are watching moments pass you by and sense intangible gaps,’ then it’s time to make every moment count. CHANGE IT!

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