The end of the old story is when one stops the self-sabotage and create a new story ENSURING that you will not compromise yourself or allow anyone else to compromise you! Regardless of how tough life has been, how your mother/father or both imposed/transferred/messed you up. Or how badly the environment, education, society (ghost), affected you. EVERY single day you have the possibility to change that story and start afresh. Make that decision and see yourself spinning at a different frequency… I know you can so do it!!! Please know that you are able to overcome the past. Seek therapy, work, and resolve your issues to improve the quality of your life. It’s one life and it’s time now to heal all past wounds! Peace! My effective methodologies require openness, engagement, and participation to heal. The process is transformational and liberating! No Better time than NOW to do the inner work! Disrupt your life and find your peace and joy!

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