Dear Fellow Life Traveller,
Life is full of changing stages and phases …we go from infant to child to teenager to young adult to adult to elder…..these are worldly-defined ages however they are so narrow and limited. There are so many undefined stages and phases we go through from mid-life crisis at 13 to 23 to 33 to 43 and 53 and so on…I have picked the 2nd digit as 3 to make it more interesting however it can be 11 or 12…

We have been told that we need to be a certain way by a certain age… what absolute nonsense…I am sure you know those persons who will not ever grow up, or the ones who shun and run from responsibility, or others who still play the ‘teen’ in their 60’s/70’s.

Is there a right or wrong? Nope there is not however if Karma is real and one shuns their own responsibility at some point it catches up….its really important to gauge where one is operating from…is there integrity? Are you being kind? or are you conjuring up things in your head that are ‘off the wall’ as excuses for your life? 

One cannot ‘run’ away from oneself and one’s stages and phases so embrace each one and look at the lesson to be learn and the growth to be experienced…

Effective methodologies require openness,  engagement, and participation to heal. The process I offer is transformational and liberating! No Better time than NOW to do the inner work! Disrupt your life and find your peace and joy!

Thank you for reading. 

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