Dear Fellow Life Traveller,

So who is really real? How do we cut through layers and layers of conditioning to figure out who is truly real? Many are walking around with dozens of ‘pretentious masks’ afraid to show their real self for fear of rejection, being disliked, not being approved of, alienation, not being part of a group/s dynamic, or even having to face themselves in the mirror!

We have been told NOT to be ourselves. That we are better being someone people expect us to be and that no-one will like us if we show our defiant, bold or authentic selves.

I have and carry on going through this journey and boy oh boy its not an easy one. Every so often i falter, trip and fall however my resilience gets me to pick myself up, dust off and keep moving with tears streaming down my face, a grubby nose and sometimes wanting to punch a hole in a wall. None of those will help long term as its about me figuring out what is important and what really matters…The fact is I will make mistakes, stumble, fall however compromising myself is not an option. Therefore all the pretentious masks are not worth being really human and allowing myself to experience rather than shut off/shut down/and wish that I could be someone else. 

When we accept that we all mess up, make errors, repeat patterns that we cant stand, piss people off, and so on however we have the choice to say and be who we choose over what we are expected to be… we create new narratives that are life-changing…so who do you choose? 

The effective methodologies I offer require openness,  engagement, and participation to heal. The process is transformational and liberating! No Better time than NOW to do the inner work! Disrupt your life and find your peace and joy!

Thank you for reading.

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