Dear Fellow Life Traveller,

So often we hear, you have so much ‘potential’! Or I have clients saying “I don’t know how to reach, use, live, or find my full potential!  

While in session with a client this showed up so strongly that there was a deep AHA moment. Each time we speak about ‘potential’ we seem to have lost ourselves in the future. What this means is that we are not ‘enough’ right now and that we will not feel enough as there is always unfulfilled ‘potential’ which creates a ‘gap’ inside. 

This is not healthy as then we will create deeper inner conflict, lack, and a disconnect. 

How about we look at an alternative narrative? I am enough right here right now and whatever shows up later is a bonus and my creativity multipying. I am ENOUGH here and now!

The effective methodologies I offer require openness,  engagement, and participation to heal. The process is transformational and liberating! No Better time than NOW to do the inner work! Disrupt your life and find your peace and joy!

Thank you for reading. 

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