Since the majority of the world has not been parented the way we would like and when life goes sideways and it does not turn out the way we anticipated, the better route to take is first do therapy and next start the self-parenting process. No one knows you better than yourself and all those hidden caves inside are ready for self-discovery. 

As you discover yourself, you also discover parts of your mother/father within yourself and your grandparents if you knew them as you start to discover some family rhythms and patterns. 

The person that has the courage to change some of the unhealthy patterns and rhythms in a family always gets to be the person who ends up in the limelight. This is because that person has the courage to change the flow. Blaming this person is the easiest as these are the so-called ‘black sheep’ of the family. Yet they are the tide-turners who had to dig deepest and encounter huge challenges to become who they are. 

These are the way-showers shaking many who do not wish to follow suit…these are those who have learned to self-parent and taken the blame game out of the equation…are you ready to do this too? 

The effective methodologies I offer require openness,  engagement, and participation to heal. The process is transformational and liberating! No Better time than NOW to do the inner work! Disrupt your life and find your peace and joy!

Thank you for reading. May you have an adventurous 2023 filled with all the colors of a rainbow! 

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