Dear Fellow Life Traveller, 

Reset your life….this can only happen when one takes responsibility to dive inwards, get external help and choose to ‘shift’

One of my clients who has gone through this tough process tells her friends it’s a great ‘RESET’ in terms of really re-examining one’s life, looking at the beliefs that keep one running on the hamster wheel, learning to re-prioritize, healing the past and do a reboot. Apart from all this one also learns a meditation practice, sees an Ayurvedic doc, ayurvedic doc, naturopath, chiropractor, and more as I have an extensive network of tried and tested practitioners.

This a holistic turnaround…heart, mind, body, spirit and create space! It’s not a quick fix or a band-aid! Lastly, the work we put in together during sessions requires implementation, integration and application outside of the Therapy room and this is one’s responsibility. The lack of this outside therapy means you have invested in a process without full commitment. This would be such a loss for you…. 

This is why I say to people, come only when you are fully ready!!! Watch this interview to understand the process:

Meet Kenya’s Most Successful Hypnotherapist Tazim Elkington – YouTube 

The unconventional and effective methodologies I offer are geared to rebooting your life. The process is transformational and liberating! No Better time than NOW to do the inner work! Disrupt your life and find your peace and joy!

Thank you for reading.

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