Life is full of trails and the one trail that will soon be defunct is the educational degree paper trail…now hold on a minute someone may say? How can it be possible that we will not require university degrees. masters and phd’s??What are you implying? 

The difference between knowledge and wisdom is that knowledge is obtained and gained from the outside, whereas wisdom my dears is inherent…it is not book read or studied….

However, the reason why knowledge will not be acquired as soon as the scientists predict, we will have a chip that gives us access to any subject, topic, field or area……this will raise questions on the existence of a superpower and creator since we are playing that role it seems…we may wish to treat a little carefully as this is all unknown….

Paper will become ineffective and that means we can save many trees too… 2 for the price of 1!!!! Yay!!

My effective methodologies require openness,  engagement, and participation to heal. The process is transformational and liberating! No Better time than NOW to do the inner work! Disrupt your life and find your peace and joy!

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