Dear Fellow Life Traveller,

Obstacles are incredible opportunities! It’s a bit nuts when I think about my childhood. We did not really have any conversations with adults or participate in any deep reflections about life. We were expected to follow what we were told and go to school, learn from teachers, have minimum expectations, avoid asking for anything, and wake, school, eat, sleep, and play on our own.

We were not told life is full of ups and downs or that relationships are challenging nor were we asked what we wanted or what we would do when we grew up. I had no idea how to solve problems, correct my mistakes (as we just got beaten) or know how to create a friendship or relationship. I had no idea how to learn about what food I liked, or what my taste was in music or art or poetry as these hardly existed. There was no discussion when I wanted to say how I felt as that was just not the way life was.

I brought up my kids differently as that’s NOT how I wanted them to grow however since I had NO model I made my fair errors and wished that they would feel and understand more.

What is really important is to ‘see’ that in this century we need to look at every challenge a!s an opportunity to grow rather than put our heads down and bury ourselves. We live in the most outstanding times as the world shifts and changes. Since obstacles are learning curves and building blocks for LIFE, teach your children the same so they can not only survive but manage their lives

The unconventional and effective methodologies I offer are geared to rebooting your life. The process is transformational and liberating! No Better time than NOW to do the inner work! Disrupt your life and find your peace and joy!

Thank you for reading.

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