Make only 1 resolution for 2022 and see how your life changes….
People call with so many symptoms – I feel tired, irritated, have put on weight, can’t sleep, my relationships are falling apart, my patience has run out, can’t put my finger on it, I want to control everything, my parents did this to me, my wife/husband is a pain, my kids don’t respect me, my boss is a tyrant, and the list is endless….reboot and own your life in 2022- make only that resolution and see how your life changes! (Am fully booked for 2021) We are so trapped within old cultural, rational, religious, economic, social, tribal, racial, educational systems that freeing ourselves feels impossible! It’s time to be free inside and stop allowing the control from outside to dictate your life!
My unconventional methods require a client to supersede beliefs, mindsets, habits, and attitudes that create inner disharmony. My effective methodologies require total openness, engagement, and participation to heal. The process is transformational and liberating! No Better time than NOW to do the inner work!