Lighting the conscious choice lamp of your own life is the greatest most profound gift one gives themselves. Many are walking in their own darkness without realizing that you can light up your life…that this is your responsibility and possibility is to make that decision and do the inner work. 

No one else can do this for you – no one! So how does one do this? Make a conscious decision, make it a concerted choice, dive inwards and do the inner work, do not be afraid of letting parts of yourself that do not work go, and be open to inviting new parts that will be alive, alert, and conscious to replace the old. 

This path of no return is the wisest most humble choice you will make. Be aware, challenges will be greater, you may not be as popular as people pleasing will not matter and you may not be as available as you were in the past… all these are signs of raising your consciousness and redefining your life and priorities!

My effective methodologies require openness,  engagement, and participation to heal. The process is transformational and liberating! No Better time than NOW to do the inner work! Disrupt your life and find your peace and joy!

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