Dear Fellow Life Traveller,

Life’s trajectory is quite simple to understand yes profoundly complex to navigate. Looking at life from a the helicopter view it may feel strange however it gives perspective. 

0-30 years – we collect experiences, beliefs, impositions and more (get married/have kids or not within this period)
30- 60 years – Examining and identifying what you have collected. Starting the journey to unlearning, delayering, and healing – ONLY if you choose to wake up to the fact that you have this choice. The majority prefer to keep collecting, not shedding, and not taking the responsibility to heal. This is how generational patterns keep multiplying with the misery and misunderstandings. This is a conscious decision, a tougher journey to go on, and a reckoning that will change you!
60-90 years – hmmm that’s if it lasts that long and pray not as no point becoming a burden on others as well yourself. Keep on doing the work on yourself and keeping active. Here is when you get to see who walks with you on these last decades of life…and then its over. 

All the noise, blah, quarrels, misunderstandings, drama, expectations etc that one has been through ends…

We do our best with the very little we have as we dont know how to deal with life …it keeps unfolding and we deal as we learn. This is the way things happen… we cannot be prepared nor can we know what the next chapter holds. The one thing life keeps doing is surprising us…without a doubt. Therefore no matter how much we plan, we have no clue what the blueprint holds …..enjoy the ride, or not…you have the choice! Once healed it will be easier to handle thats a surety!

The effective methodologies I offer require openness,  engagement, and participation to heal. The process is transformational and liberating! There is no better time than NOW to do the inner work! Disrupt your life and find your peace and joy!

Thank you for reading. 

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