Dear Fellow Life Traveller, 

Imprints are a variety of experiences that we hold on to for dear life. These can potentially cause our BIGGEST limitations and become crutches or implants that act as walls in our lives. 

These don’t take too long to build as if we have repetitive experiences we then believe these as the reality of our lives. All of these can be disbanded, healed, and transformed!!!

Why do people keep repeating and bringing similar experiences? It’s because thats what they know and it’s comfortable even though it’s so very uncomfortable and debilitating. Most times one does not even recognize this is happening as its so imprinted in our psyches as ‘this is how I am or this is normal’

Well its not…these imprints are not yours and no better time than now to heal them and not transfer them to the next gen be Y,Z or A!

Therapy is no longer a taboo! From CEO’s to cleaners…all need therapy and organizations ought to have a budget for this for Employee motivation. No better time to heal than NOW!

The unconventional and effective methodologies I offer are geared to rebooting your life. The process is transformational and liberating! No Better time than NOW to do the inner work! Disrupt your life and find your peace and joy!

Thank you for reading. 

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