Dive deeper instead of living on the surface! Why is this important? At this time the evolution of our planet and ourselves is at stake. Unless each of us decide its time to clean up our generational, cultural, religious, social, economical, racial and gender baggage we will keep multiplying this garbage to all those around us including children, partners, family, colleagues and others. We need to each take responsibility of our own inner housekeeping as this is a necissity. Simplifying our lifestyles, changing our consumption habits, learning a meditation practise to bring peace, therapy, re-evaluatiing what and who is really important and matters in our lives and not spreading ourselves too thin, sleeping enough and overall reducing the stress opens up space for creating a new trajectory. Its one life this time around and before you know it….its over…dont carry forward your baggage to the next life! My effective methodologies require openness, engagement, and participation to heal. The process is transformational and liberating! No Better time than NOW to do the inner work! Disrupt your life and find your peace and joy!

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