Dear Fellow Life Traveller,
Confrontation is an opportunity to resolve situations, misunderstandings and lifelong baggage we carry! 
I encounter many who find confrontation a real issue. This is because we have been conditioned to avoid confrontation. This is a human issue. 

What makes us avoid confrontation? There are several reasons from wanting approval and acceptance from others to being scared to lose someone by saying how one actually feels. Oftentimes we need to examine the people in our lives and whether they are really good for us? People who have issues with boundaries and saying no end up accepting all types of people, situations and circumstances causing deep sorrow and confusion. 

Your outer circumstances reflect the inner and vice versa. Not having been able to say ‘no’ then can become a huge bag of resentment and anger inside which then gets misdirected or cause implosion. 

Weigh your inner state and then re-evaluate the outer to clear whats not helping your life…its all about you and what you need to do…blame helps no-one nor does it change anything…

Effective methodologies require openness,  engagement, and participation to heal. The process I offer is transformational and liberating! No Better time than NOW to do the inner work! Disrupt your life and find your peace and joy!

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