Our programming is so deeply ingrained that mostly people are on the ‘fast lane’ with FOMO – fear of missing out. 
With the awakening and ascension going on at an unseen level, life will make you pause or STOP if you are like a hamster who cant get off its Ferris wheel. 

So how do we change these patterns and get into ‘balance’? Why is it important? because we did not come to life to keep doing…its important to learn to ‘be’ before life intervenes and one stops cause they have to. 

Over the last decade I have changed how I operate and mange my time and now life again is saying…its time to make another shift and what will that be? I will see as I take my pause and stop!

Effective methodologies require openness,  engagement, and participation to heal. The process I offer is transformational and liberating! No Better time than NOW to do the inner work! Disrupt your life and find your peace and joy!

Thank you for reading. May you have an adventurous 2023 filled with all the colors of a rainbow! My best, 

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