Achievements and accolades are a clear sign of external validation and how one is perceived by the outside. This is how we are socialized and conditioned to be recognized. 

Most people are so busy seeking this external validation from others, pieces of paper, being recognized by institutions and associations that they have ignored the small voice seeking inner validation. Why does this happen? All of us have mother/father wounds we carry for centuries and generations….that lack of or not enough or absent validation creates a voice that is constantly devalidating us. This voice can then be camouflaged as mother/father/teacher/grandparent/sibling etc…

It is so important to catch that voice as it is the voice of our past disguised as a parent or other.. These voices are your own and blaming others past a certain age is an act of irresponsibility… no number of certificates/accolades will help you face your inner gremlins of dissatisfaction…accept, acknowledge and heal…

To heal, one must invest in one’s life process by deciding that there is more to life than this. The process is transformational and liberating! No Better time than NOW to do the inner work! Disrupt your life and find your peace and joy!

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