Metamorphosis & Career
Tazim was not raised in a typical family setting with present parents and spent most of her early years living with different families and traveling from town to town across East Africa. Growing up outside the norms is what influenced her adaptability and open-mindedness, making her the revolutionary “mind transformation proponent” she is today!
A Kenyan/Canadian, Tazim’s zest has bolted her career in many directions including tourism, real estate and marketing. She has worked with numerous causes, be it supporting orphans or the rights of women and children or participating in the West End Calendar Girls for Breast Cancer awareness. She has featured frequently in the press and on popular TV and radio shows.

Indian Black Butterfly
“A figure and personality on the move”- Motivational speaker, writer, hypnotherapist and ‘paradigm shifter.’ Tazim Elkington is the Indian Black Butterfly whose unique strategies have empowered countless individuals and groups to live more fulfilled lives.

The Effect: Far-Reaching
“The Indian Black Butterfly effect is boundless! This is a woman with a powerful presence and a mission to engender positive societal change, extending her compassion to individuals, groups, businesses, in Africa and beyond.
With a gift for connecting with all, she views each individual as the unique being they are. From boardrooms to the slums, her powerful message speaks of freedom, balance, integrity, action and endless fulfilled potential.

The Paradigm-Shifter
“Change is vital. Harnessing her strong, almost psychic, instinct about the human spirit, Tazim brings change “one person at a time” with a view to nurturing a sustainable future for all.

The Speaker
“Tazim’s words go straight to the heart and resonate with every human being. A natural and trained public speaker in high demand, she has a forte for ‘off the cuff’ keynote talks.
Drawing on her talent as a paradigm shifter, motivational speaker, business consultant and author, Tazim has established herself firmly as one of the top names in the personal development field. She is also fast becoming a top name in broadcasting and publishing, frequently speaking on TV and writing in the local dailies.
Tazim has become a leading personality on and off screen with her enthusiasm, humour, compassion, sense of freedom, value-based focus, unique way with words and out-of-the-box delivery that energizes individuals, groups and communities.

The Writer
“Tazim is known for her collection of pros, “Song of the Soul.” Her meaningful and enquiring work is an expression of deep connection to the inner self. Extracts have been published weekly in The Standard newspaper under the title ’Just a Thought.’